Jul 13, 2007

Ode to Independent Record Stores (That Aren't Within 100 Miles Of Me)

I think one of my very favorite things in the whole world is a quality independent music store. Definition: an independently owned (rule out Sam Goody, Borders, and by all means Wal-Mart) store that sells a plethora of quality cds but often also records. And you won't find too many albums under the "Britney Spears" sign. These stores usually specialize in quality, even if slightly unknown, music. I guess I already said that. For instance, my favorite in Portland, Everyday Music on Burnside, had an entire row of Shins music. Granted, this band is one that Portland is very proud to call a citizen.

I spent about twenty minutes browsing Everyday Music three nights ago and forced myself out of the store before I bought more. I found three gems for $16. Of these, one was Ben Lee's very first solo LP that he released when he was 16. This guy is very unknown in the States period, but the fact that I can find this very rare cd (for $5) is amazing. I also got some rare tunes from the Shins and the Hold Steady. All are great buys that I will hopefully review shortly. I just felt the need to say how much I love a great independent music store. Roseburg should have one. But it would have crappy music here, I imagine. And it wouldn't get any business. Maybe I just shouldn't live in Roseburg. Ponderous.


Currently listening to: R.E.M. Out Of Time--I've been quite into some of the pioneers of alternative music lately, i.e. R.E.M., the Pixies

Currently trying to finish reading: The Prince and the Pauper so I can get to the books I purchased at Powell's the other day

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