Nov 10, 2008

30 Posts in One Month

I've changed my goal for this project: I will write 30 blog posts in the month of November. That equals one per day, but I seem to be pretty horrible at actually remembering to do it everyday.

The funny thing is that it seems that everyday that I forget is a day that I spend the whole day thinking about what I'll write about that day.

Yesterday was an intriguing day in some ways. Good stuff, bad stuff, way busy. I'll concentrate on three small things.

First, explanation of the three things. Yesterday a 93-year-old lady spoke at my church and was incredibly inspiring. She talked about how every night before she goes to sleep, she likes to think of three things throughout her day that show her that God loves her. They may be tiny or large. This concept is my first way that the idea was shown to me yesterday.

Second, as much as I complain about everything, I have some fantastic people in my life. Yesterday was an example of that.

Third, as I was trying to find Wordstock in the Oregon Convention Center, I entered some sort of Christmas fair. It was strange. Music blaring, and I could have sworn there was glitter blowing around in the air. Maybe not, but there was that effect. I immediately left.

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